Dive into the enchanting world of High School Debut Vol 1, a must-read manga for fans of romance and coming-of-age tales. Written by Kazune Kawahara, this delightful series takes readers on a journey filled with laughter, heartache, and the excitement of self-discovery.
In this first volume, we meet Haruna Nagashima, a high school freshman determined to find love and experience the thrill of having a boyfriend. But there’s a catch—she knows nothing about boys or dating! Eager to change her romantic fate, Haruna turns to Yoh Komiyama, a popular and charming upperclassman, for help.
Reluctantly agreeing to be Haruna's "love coach," Yoh and Haruna embark on a hilarious and heartwarming journey together. From learning the art of flirting to navigating the ups and downs of relationships, Haruna soon realizes that love isn’t as simple as she thought. Along the way, she also discovers more about herself and the importance of staying true to who she really is.
Kazune Kawahara's skillful storytelling and expressive illustrations bring this charming story to life, making High School Debut Vol 1 an engaging read for manga fans of all ages. Join Haruna as she tackles the complexities of high school romance, friendships, and personal growth.
Whether you’re a seasoned manga fan or new to the genre, High School Debut Vol 1 is a must-have addition to your collection. Prepare to laugh, swoon, and relive the rollercoaster of emotions that come with first love. Grab your copy today and step into a world of teenage dreams and unforgettable moments!
Condition: Used
Vendor: Viz Media
Author: Kazune Kawahara
Size: Standard
Language: English
Genre: Shojo
Age Rating: Teen